Monday 12 June 2017


An hangar in the Mojave Desert, California, has been the setting for publicly presenting the first model of Stratolaunch, the world's largest airplane. A technological prodigy with creation has been propelled by billionaire Paul Allen, founder of Microsoft. The aircraft is made up of two bodies or cabins joined by a wing of 117 meters, in which are coupled six engines similar to those used by a Boeing. Its weight is somewhat higher than 220 tons, and can carry a load of 600 tons. To make it possible to take off, this colossus of the skies needs a track of just over two miles .

Wednesday 7 June 2017

A 14-year-old boy is arrested in Japan for creating a virus

A 14-year-old boy has been detained in Japan for setting up a ransomware data-sequestration program similar to WannaCry, responsible for cyberattack registered worldwide last month,Is accused of creating a "ransomware", which is a computer program that limits or prevents users from accessing the computer or files unless they pay a ransom, through free encryption software


Maths: Exercises from Maria´s page 

Tuesday 6 June 2017


Maths: Page 149 exercises 28 and 29, page 154 exercise 64
English: Workbook page 84 (without exercise 3 and challenge)
Technology: Give he notebook the day of the exam
ENGLISH:   9-6-17

Saturday 3 June 2017


Maths: Maria´s web
Language: Redacction and cardboard of your book
Tecno: Paralell circuit exercises

Thursday 1 June 2017


Maths: Exercises copied in class.
Geography and history: Study for tomorow´s exam
F & Q: Study for tomorow´s exam.

Wednesday 31 May 2017


HOMEWORKS 31/5/2017

Mats: Page 129 ejs: 41, 43, 44 and 52. Parabola ( y=x(elevado a 2) +x-12 (x=0,1,2,3,-1,-2,-3,-4))
English: Student's book- Page 97 ej: 1,2,3,4,5 and 6

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Homeworks 30/5/2017

Mats: Page 127 ex:37
Lenguage: Schemes
Technology: Page 68 ex:5
Music: You have to  print the letter of your favorite song
F and Q: Exercises that we copied in class
English: Student's book- Page 94 ex:3 and 4
              Student's book- Page 136 ex: 10
              Student's book- Page 95 ex: 7

Monday 29 May 2017




MATH: exercises on the blackboard

INGLES: page 135 exercises 1 and 2 of 9.3


Thursday 25 May 2017


ENGLISH: WB page 80 ej 1 page 81 ej 3 and all page 83

F&Q: experiments page 211 and the problems

TECNOLOGY: page 67 ej 1,2,3 and 4

ETICAL VALUES: exam question

LENGUAGE: create a text with (12 conectores discursivos)

Wednesday 24 May 2017

HOMEWORK 24/5/17

Mates: P132 ejs 63 y 64 P133 ej  83 84 85 86 91 92 (FOR MONDAY)

Tuesday 23 May 2017


Made By the Technology Unversity Of Delf, they have invented a pavement that can repare itself just by the sun energy o by a big electromagnet that keeps the floor hot.

Magic pavement

Homeworks 23/5/17

MATES: P 131 ej 62 y P 133 ejs 80,81 y 82
INGLES: P 88 ejs 2,3,4,5 y 6 (students) y P 87 ejs 3,4 y 7 (in the notebook)
FYQ: P 224 ej 23
TECNO: Ficha de electricidad

Monday 22 May 2017

Homework 22/5/17

Maths: page 125 exercises 30, 31, 32
French: page 54 of the activity book
English: page 79 activity book

Sunday 21 May 2017

Homework 19/5/2017

Language :do the notebook of the book you read ( tuerto maldito y enamorado / capitán alatriste )

Physics and Chemistry: the exercise she dictated

Thursday 18 May 2017

Homework 18/ 5 / 2017

Geography: Find things about the "rodela" ( remember not the shield ) and study for the exam .

Language: page 283 exercises 1, 2, 4 and 7 ( remember that tomorrow we dont have language class )

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Homework 17/5/17

Lenguage: page 270 ( not mandatory, just for revising the unit)

Tuesday 16 May 2017

WannaCry ransomware cyber-attack 'may have North Korea link'

Who was behind the huge global cyber-attack? One prominent theory right now is North Korea - but what we know is far from conclusive

You may not have heard of the Lazarus Group, but you may be aware of its work. The devastating hack on Sony Pictures in 2014, and another on a Bangladeshi bank in 2016, have both been attributed to the highly sophisticated group.

Homework 16/5/17

Maths: page 167 exercises 21 and 22
Language: maind map of page 264 and 265
English: workbook page
Tecnology: exercises copied  in class
Music: page 45, page 46 exercise 2, pages 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55
Physics and Chemistry. exercise 1 of page 185

Thursday 11 May 2017

Homework 11/05/2017

Maths:exercises from the board
English:page 82 SB and page 81 ex: 2&3

Wednesday 10 May 2017

New ~ El Avión espacial de Virgin Galactic vuelve a volar tras su accidente!

Homework 10/05/2017

Maths:exercises from the board
Valores:exercise 6,7 & 8 page 39
Engish:page 72

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Homework 09/05/2017

Maths: make the questionary and the first exercise on Maria's web
Language:page 259 ex:1 and 3
French:study for tomorrows exam
Arts:finish the project
F&Q:study for the exam
Tecno:read the power point.
Engish:wb page:72 

Wednesday 3 May 2017


Hooked is a new app that consists of a book of a lot of histories with a lot of genres that you can choose (love, drama, terror, fantasy, thriller, etc...). This app makes that a lot of teenagers are becoming fans of reading and it could get you Hooked for a lot of time.


HOMEWORK 3/05/2017

Language: make the "letter for the director" (for friday)
Maths: study for the exam of friday.

Saturday 29 April 2017

HOMEWORK 28/4/2017 (sorry for the delay)

Physics and Chemistry: ex 16 of page 147
English: WB page 78 (without challenge)

HOMEWORK 27/4/2017 (sorry for the delay)

English: read page 76
Physics and Chemistry: page 142: ex 8,9 and 10
Technology: read PowerPoint
Ethnic Values: read page 38 and do ex 6,7 and 8 of page 39 

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Homework 26/04/17

Spanish: Analyse the sentences from the notebook
Maths: Do the excercises of the blackboard

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Homework 25/04/17

Mates: Pág 105 ej: 38, 39, 4
English: The whole page 75 of the student's book
FyQ: Pág 140 y 141 ej: 4, 5(si no los has terminado), 6 y 7

Monday 24 April 2017

Facebook Builds a VR Space

Facebook has announced the beta launch of Facebook Spaces, a new app that allows users to connect with friends and colleagues in an interactive virtual reality environment. It provides a way for social media users to hang out as they might otherwise in person.
An avatar represents each user in the VR world. The news are from here

Homework 24/4/17

Mates: Ej de la pizarra
Lengua: ej de clase
Francés: Pág 50 ej 3, 4, 5
Inglés Page 67 workbook with the challenge

Saturday 22 April 2017

Homework 21/4/17

Lengua: Monólogo sin signos de puntuación. 10-15 líneas
Matemáticas: Pág 103 ej 28 y ej de clase y hacer la piramide para el míercoles
Inglés: Page 134 8.1 section and page 66 workbook

Thursday 20 April 2017

Homework 20/04/17

English: Page 70 workbook, from page 134 of the students book 8.3 section and for the ones who were with Alex page 78 all excercises except excercise 6

Technology: The periods of the three frecuencies of the excercise of the other day

Valores Éticos: Pág 37 ej 4

Geography and History: The Coggle( check e-mail) for next thursday

Wednesday 19 April 2017


Elon Musk is the latest to predict brain fusion with artificial intelligence. But how much can we achieve?
Fusionar mente y máquina: ¿de verdad estamos cerca?

Homework 20-4-17

French: workbook page 49
Maths: study example 2 from page 100. Page 102: 19 and 20

Tuesday 18 April 2017

Homework 18-4-17

mathematics: page 108: 50, 53-56 Page:109: 59
Lenguage: make a poem of what we see today
Technology: exercise that we copy

Wednesday 5 April 2017

HOMEWORK FOR 06/04/2017

ENGLISH: wb:page 63 exercices: 1,2,5
                   sb: page 71 exercice 7

Monday 3 April 2017

Roboteam will build 10000 robots for domestic use

10000 will build robots for domestic use
The devices are prepared to assist the elderly
A military company based in
Tel-Aviv, Israel, which has announced the development of ten thousand robots designed for domestic use and to help seniors

Saturday 1 April 2017

Homework 31/03/17

Spanish- search the title of a new
Maths- do the photocopy to practice forthe exam

Thursday 30 March 2017

homework 30-03-2017

Maths- bring the exams corrected
F y Q- exercices 15,16 and 17
English- pag 62 workbook

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Homework 28-03-2017

Maths: page 97 exercises 1 and 2
Spanish: copy the ortography boxes
F and Q: copy drawing on page 126

Saturday 25 March 2017

Codes to web tests to prepare the recovery exam

Bellow you will find the codes to prepare the exam

D7NH4KDC - 2-Levers 2º ESO
EUDNENHE - 2-Name of mechanisms
UGO1BZVI - 2-Formulas of basic mechanism
JN7S56JQ - 2-Exercises Pulleys and gears -

Tuesday 14 March 2017


A human skull of 400.000 is found in Portugal. It was found by a group created by de Lisboa UJniversity and the Barcelona University


A plant fossil of 1.600 million  years is found in India. Is the oldest plant found at the time


HOMEWORK 13/03/2017

  • MATHS:Pg:89:87,88,89,90 , correct the exam and do the summary
  • LENGUAJE: buy the cardboard
  • ENGLISH: Workbook pg:58 ej:4

Monday 13 March 2017

Sunday 12 March 2017

HOMEWORK 10/03/17

Spanish: Woman´s day
Physics and Chemistry: Make a dinamometer and (only if you want) the experiment of the CD

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Monday 6 March 2017

The secret of the technology that wins the Oscar

The software is just one of the key elements to create the impressive visual effects of  films like "The Jungle Book", in which 800 people have worked for a year.

Here you can read more about this.

Homework 6/3/17

Mates: crossword of the photocopy
English: WB pg: 52 without the challenge and SB pg: 119
Tecnology: study for the exam and prepare the notebook
Physics and quemistry: study for the exam
Music: practice for the flute exam

Sunday 5 March 2017


Find below the new codes for the web tests for reviewing on mechanisms.
Try them ir order, 1 to 8.

Código Nombre
D7NH4KDC                 2-Levers 2º ESO
EUDNENHE                2-Name of mechanisms 2 º ESO
UGO1BZVI                  2-Formulas of basic mechanism 2º ESO
JN7S56JQ                     2-Exercises Pulleys and gears - 2º ESO
DKAEHXCC                Exercises Pulleys and gears - 2º ESO
VFB9ZV4D                  Formulas of basic mechanism 2º ESO
Z2ZLKST4                   Name of mechanisms 2 º ESO
COEZRQTI                   Levers 2º ESO

Friday 3 March 2017

Homework 03/03/17

Spanish: cardboard
Maths: do the exercises of the photocopy
Physics and chemistry: study for the exam and review the graphics
English: WB pg: 51 ex: 1,2 and 3
P.E.: study for the exam
Ethical Values: complete the notebook those who have to

Thursday 2 March 2017

Homework 02/03/17

Enlish:pg: 50 ex: 1, 2 and 3. Study the second colum for tomorrow´s exam
Physics and chemistry: Make the glossary of Unit 5
Spanish: Study for tomorrow´s exam of Units 7 and 8 (pgs: 158 + notes, 162, 164, 165, 166 + notes, 168, 169, 188 (photocopy), 192 + photocopy of the romance and the sonnet) and organize the notebook

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Homework 01/03/17

French: write the dialogue
Spanish: ex.147 of the photocopy
Ethical Values: read the bookand study unit 2 for the exam
Math: finish the photocopy

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Homework 28/02/17

Math: exercises 11-17 from the photocopy
Spanish: read the photocopy of the stanzes (estrofas) and measure the poem nº 2 of pg 194
English: WB pg 49 without the challenge. SB pg 55 ej 6 and 8; and pg 118 all the exercises (6.1: 2 and 6.2: 3 in the notebook)
Visual Arts: do the first page of the photocopy and choose a picture for the proyect
Technology: codes: COEZRQTI
Music: those who have to, practice the song for the recorder exam                           

Monday 27 February 2017

Homework (27 - 2 - 17)

  • Maths: exercises from 1 - 10 of th photocopy.
  • Language: page 174 and measure the poems on page 193.
  • French: finishe the exercise we started in class
  • English: workbook page 48 (without the challenge) and students book exercises 3 and 5 page 55. English exam (listening and irregular verbs (2 column)) on the 3rd of March.
  • P.E.: theorical exam on the 6th of March

Google Perspective

Google has created a new program called perspective to fight against cyberbullies. A group of people introduce the words that are not appropriate and this program scans automatically thousands of commentaries and eliminates them if neccessary comparing them with those included in the database. Anyone can use Perspective at the moment.

Friday 24 February 2017

Homework (24 - 2 - 17)

  • Language: read pages 168 and 169 and the poem on the photocopy.
  • Maths: study for Monday's exam.
  • Physics and chemistry: finish exercise 1 pae 115 and the activities we copied in class.

Thursday 23 February 2017

Homework (23 - 2 - 17)

  • Language: finish the photocopy we started in class
  • English: students book page 132 sections 6.1 and 6.2. Finish exercise 2 page 55. Study for tomorrow's exam.
  • Physics and Chemistry: finish the photocopy we started in class and (for those who hasn't done it yet) sign the note on the agenda.
  • Technology: exercises 6, 7, 8 and 9 pages 44 and 45.
  • Social science exam (9 - 3 - 17)
  • Bring the note of the trip to London.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Tecnology new

The new phone made by cork

The Portuguese company IKI mobile has made a phone made by cork with five inches, cameras of eight or thirteen megapixels and is waterproof which will be presented at the congress in Barcelona on 27 February and 3 March 

Homework 22/2/2017

Maths: Do the exercises copied in class
French: Cahier page 42 exercise 3 and page 43 exercise 6
Language: page 166 exercise 27 and search famous phrases

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Homework 21/2/2017

Maths: Finish the exercises of excel for Monday
Language: Finish the worksheet

Monday 20 February 2017

Homework 20/2/2017

Maths: Do the worksheet
English: Exercise 2 of the page 54 of the student book (in the notebook)
Language: Finish the exercise that we did in class

Thursday 16 February 2017

Homework 16/2/2017

English: Study for the exam (24-2-2017) and do the pages 45, 46 and 47 of the workbook
Physics and Chemistry: Exercise 32 of the page 109
Technology: Do the exercise of the puzzle and study for the exam (7-3-2017)
Visual arts: Draw the 4 boxes
Music: Study for the exam (22-2-2017)
Geography and history: Study for the exam (22-2-2017)
Ethical values: Search who was Hipatia, Alejandria

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Homework 15/02/2017

  • Language: Finish classifying the adverbs.

Hater: The new app

Hater is a dating app that matches you with other users based on things you both hate. The app is only about a month old, but it's amassed about 200,000 users in the US and abroad.  If you've ever bonded with someone over your shared dislikes, you're not alone and it could help you find lasting love.
Hater is the brainchild of Brendan Alper, a former banker who quit his job to become a comedy writer. Alper told Business Insider that the idea really took shape after he read a 2006 study that said people who dislike the same things form closer bonds with each other. 

 Resultado de imagen de hater app

Homework 14/02/2017

  • Maths:  Page 262: 38, 39, 41-a, b.
  • English: WB page 45: 1, 2 and 3.
  • Physics and Chemistry: Do the dictated exercises.
  •        English exam: 24/02/2017

Monday 13 February 2017

Homework 13/02/2017

LANGUAGE:Advertising poster.

MATHEMATICS:Average of 4,4,5,5,6,6,6.

Sunday 12 February 2017

'Ambulance drone' takes to the skies.

A Belgian student is seeking sponsors to get his prototype "ambulance drone" off the ground.
The airborne medical kit can be flown to the scene of an emergency without the risk of traffic delays.
It travels at speeds of up to 100km/h (60mph).
Alec Momont says the precious minutes it saves could mean the difference between life or death.

Saturday 11 February 2017

Homework 10/02/2017

                    SB:Page 131 5.2

MATHEMATICS:Page 261 exercises 31,34 and 35.Cafeteria frequency table.

PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY:Exercises that we copy in class.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Homework 9/02/2017

ENGLISH:Worbook page 44.

PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY:Both exercises that we copy in class.

MATHEMATICS:Fractions sheet.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Tuesday 7 February 2017


The fabric is resistant to extreme temperatures. If the air is removed, the material acquires a rigid consistency equivalent to a conventional hard plastic.
It is a Spanish material , created in Bilbao
Is a lightweight, moldable and flexible material (can be folded, rolled, etc.) and whose main virtue is that it becomes stiff in a very short time, adopting different forms and uses to its initial textile state. This process is reversible and can be repeated as many times as desired.

HOMEWORK 07/02/2017

MATHS: pg:44 ej: 68
ENGLISH: workbook:pg:43 except the challenge
VISUAL ARTS: finish the egg
TECHNOLOGY: draw the car and decide the material for the wheels
MUSIC: tomorrow is the exam of the song´´ PRIMAVERA´´
FRENCH: pg:42 ej:1

Monday 6 February 2017


  • Lenguage:Read page 148 and do a summary.
  • Fisics: Finish project,do glossary unit 4 and page 108 exercises 21,26,,27,28
  • English:Student book page 116 exercises 1,2,3.
  • Mathematics:Page 44 exercise 65.
  • Music:Page 26 exercises 9 and 13 and whole pages 27,28 and 29.


IKO is a colombian business in which with legos,you can create your own prosthesis.
It is made for kids with any physical disability.
If you are interested click here.
This is a picture

Saturday 4 February 2017


  • G.H:Study for the exam.
  • French:Book page 49 exercise 4 Notebook page 38 exercise 1.
  • Mathematics:Page 44 exercises 64,67. 

Thursday 2 February 2017

HOMEWORK 2/2/2017

  • Language:Study for exam
  • Technology:Exercises on gears and friction wheels of the powerpoint.
  • English:WB whole page 41
  • Fisics and chemistry:Exercises 5,6,7

Wednesday 1 February 2017

HOMEWORK 1-02-2017


TECHNOLOGY: Both exercises dictated in class
MATHS: Finish the sheet for friday.

Tuesday 31 January 2017


Clothes-folding Laundroid robot readies for launch.

A clothes-folding robot that has been in development for more than a decade is about to go on sale.
Chris Foxx caught up with the project's founder at the CES tech show in Las Vegas. 

HOMEWORK 31-01-17


MATHS: Pg 27 exercises 145 and 146.
Finish mcm and MCD sheet.(for friday)
MUSIC: Pg 26 exercise 9, 13;pg 27 ej 1,2 and pgs 28 and 29 complete. (for next Thursday)
TECHNOLOGY: Both exercises that we have copy in class. (for Tuesday)
ENGLISH: Pg 40 from the workbook.

Monday 30 January 2017

Photovoltaic cells under the skin

Lukas Bereurter decide to implant photovoltaic cells under the skin of patients that would be a viable method to keep medical implants in operation such as pacemakers or brain stimulators

HOMEWORK 30-1-17

ENGLISH: Student book page 115: 5.1 and page 131: 5.1

MATH: Page 25 exercise 119,120,121

FRENCH: Page 38 exercise 2

GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY: Do the padlet of Taqueado jaqués

Saturday 28 January 2017

HOMEWORK 30-1-17

ENGLISH: Workbook page 37 (Self check)

MATH: Exercise 1,3,5,7,9,11 from the paper of DIVISIBILIDAD II

Thursday 26 January 2017

HOMEWORK 26-1-17

ENGLISH: Workbook page 36 (An announcement) and write an announcement for Monday

TECHNOLOGY: Exercise that we copy in class (Calculate the force to be done in order to lift a load of 50N suspensed on: a-Fixed pulley   b-moveable pulley  c-vertical Block and Tackle with 6 pulleys  d-Block and Tackle type 2 with 4 pulleys)

LANGUAGE: Copy from page 140 the 2 blue square


Wednesday 25 January 2017


Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, one of the two technology companies that experiment with futuristic trains that would come close to the speed of sound and came from an idea of ​​the magnate Elon Musk, has chosen Toulouse (South of France) to install its European headquarters.

Homework (25/01/2017)

Language: History between 10-15 lines including 7 homophones words with H

Math:  Page 27 ej 136,137,138,139

Homework (24/01/2017)

Math: page 23 ej 90 and page 24 ej 100 (m.c.m and m.c.d) and ej 102

Language: Finish coping page 138

English: workbook page 35 ej 1, 4, 5

Technology: Page 43 and 44 ej 2,3,4

The physics and chemistry experiment instead for the 2 of February for the 7.

6 of February exam of the first column of irregular verbs (english)