Thursday 30 March 2017

homework 30-03-2017

Maths- bring the exams corrected
F y Q- exercices 15,16 and 17
English- pag 62 workbook

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Homework 28-03-2017

Maths: page 97 exercises 1 and 2
Spanish: copy the ortography boxes
F and Q: copy drawing on page 126

Saturday 25 March 2017

Codes to web tests to prepare the recovery exam

Bellow you will find the codes to prepare the exam

D7NH4KDC - 2-Levers 2º ESO
EUDNENHE - 2-Name of mechanisms
UGO1BZVI - 2-Formulas of basic mechanism
JN7S56JQ - 2-Exercises Pulleys and gears -

Tuesday 14 March 2017


A human skull of 400.000 is found in Portugal. It was found by a group created by de Lisboa UJniversity and the Barcelona University


A plant fossil of 1.600 million  years is found in India. Is the oldest plant found at the time


HOMEWORK 13/03/2017

  • MATHS:Pg:89:87,88,89,90 , correct the exam and do the summary
  • LENGUAJE: buy the cardboard
  • ENGLISH: Workbook pg:58 ej:4

Monday 13 March 2017

Sunday 12 March 2017

HOMEWORK 10/03/17

Spanish: Woman´s day
Physics and Chemistry: Make a dinamometer and (only if you want) the experiment of the CD

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Monday 6 March 2017

The secret of the technology that wins the Oscar

The software is just one of the key elements to create the impressive visual effects of  films like "The Jungle Book", in which 800 people have worked for a year.

Here you can read more about this.

Homework 6/3/17

Mates: crossword of the photocopy
English: WB pg: 52 without the challenge and SB pg: 119
Tecnology: study for the exam and prepare the notebook
Physics and quemistry: study for the exam
Music: practice for the flute exam

Sunday 5 March 2017


Find below the new codes for the web tests for reviewing on mechanisms.
Try them ir order, 1 to 8.

Código Nombre
D7NH4KDC                 2-Levers 2º ESO
EUDNENHE                2-Name of mechanisms 2 º ESO
UGO1BZVI                  2-Formulas of basic mechanism 2º ESO
JN7S56JQ                     2-Exercises Pulleys and gears - 2º ESO
DKAEHXCC                Exercises Pulleys and gears - 2º ESO
VFB9ZV4D                  Formulas of basic mechanism 2º ESO
Z2ZLKST4                   Name of mechanisms 2 º ESO
COEZRQTI                   Levers 2º ESO

Friday 3 March 2017

Homework 03/03/17

Spanish: cardboard
Maths: do the exercises of the photocopy
Physics and chemistry: study for the exam and review the graphics
English: WB pg: 51 ex: 1,2 and 3
P.E.: study for the exam
Ethical Values: complete the notebook those who have to

Thursday 2 March 2017

Homework 02/03/17

Enlish:pg: 50 ex: 1, 2 and 3. Study the second colum for tomorrow´s exam
Physics and chemistry: Make the glossary of Unit 5
Spanish: Study for tomorrow´s exam of Units 7 and 8 (pgs: 158 + notes, 162, 164, 165, 166 + notes, 168, 169, 188 (photocopy), 192 + photocopy of the romance and the sonnet) and organize the notebook

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Homework 01/03/17

French: write the dialogue
Spanish: ex.147 of the photocopy
Ethical Values: read the bookand study unit 2 for the exam
Math: finish the photocopy